Word & Document Vectors

May 8, 2019


From Wikipedia:

Word embedding is the collective name for a set of language modeling and feature learning techniques in natural language processing (NLP) where words or phrases from the vocabulary are mapped to vectors of real numbers. Conceptually it involves a mathematical embedding from a space with many dimensions per word to a continuous vector space with a much lower dimension.

The main function is to create a vector of numbers that represent a word based on the context in which that word is used. These vectors can then be used in a relative fashion to determine the relatedness of words.

Notebook Links

View the IPython notebook for this session on Github here

Or launch the notebook in Google Colab or MyBinder:

Google Colab


Here is a list of the seminal papers that led to the capability available today for word and document vectors:

Word Vectors

In order to compute the word vectors, we create a neural network and train it to predict things based on either a Skip-gram or Continuous Bag of Words approach. The weights of the hidden layer then become the values used in the word vector.

alt text

Image from Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space


Image from StitchFix Blog

Document Vectors

Document Vectors are created by adding an additional document (or paragraph) ID as an input.

alt text
alt text

Images from A gentle introduction to Doc2Vec

Word Vector Image

Image from Vector Representations of Words

Cosine Similarity

Image from Introduction to Word Embedding and Word2Vec

Word Movers Distance

The distance between words of different sentences can be used to judge the similarity of the sentences or documents.

Word Movers Distance

Image from From Word Embeddings To Document Distances




Below, we will walk through some examples from the Fast.ai Word Embeddings Workshop.

#Get the data and untar it

!wget http://files.fast.ai/models/glove_50_glove_100.tgz

!tar xvzf glove_50_glove_100.tgz
--2019-05-08 18:34:26--  http://files.fast.ai/models/glove_50_glove_100.tgz
Resolving files.fast.ai (files.fast.ai)...
Connecting to files.fast.ai (files.fast.ai)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 225083583 (215M) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘glove_50_glove_100.tgz.1’

glove_50_glove_100. 100%[===================>] 214.66M   107MB/s    in 2.0s

2019-05-08 18:34:28 (107 MB/s) - ‘glove_50_glove_100.tgz.1’ saved [225083583/225083583]

#import packages needed

import pickle
import numpy as np
import re
import json

np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)

We will load the glove 50 & 100 vectors as numpy arrays and load the words and word indices as arrays.

vecs = np.load("glove_vectors_100d.npy")
vecs50 = np.load("glove_vectors_50d.npy")

with open('words.txt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()
words = [x.strip() for x in content]

wordidx = json.load(open('wordsidx.txt'))

Now let’s see what this data looks like…

['the', ',', '.', 'of', 'to', 'and', 'in', 'a', '"', "'s"]

What about that word vector?

array([-0.2675, -0.1654, -0.6296,  0.448 ,  0.452 , -0.6424,  0.042 ,
       -1.0137, -0.6596,  0.9818,  0.2998, -0.7044,  0.0481, -0.3909,
       -0.2515, -0.0907,  0.5111,  0.2321, -1.3972,  0.0896, -1.0962,
        0.1159,  0.0979, -0.7837,  0.1524, -1.3648, -0.5557, -1.0818,
       -0.2341, -0.6261, -0.8803,  0.536 ,  0.1439,  0.335 , -0.4361,
       -0.0788,  0.2288, -0.4465,  0.6148, -0.2139,  0.4312,  0.1618,
        1.0763,  0.4359,  0.4286, -0.3155, -0.0784, -0.5784, -0.1905,
        0.1904, -0.1977, -0.5946,  0.6593,  0.2798, -0.0671, -1.6904,
       -0.9657,  0.044 ,  0.3146, -0.491 ,  0.3345,  0.3266,  0.3003,
        0.4409,  0.7353, -0.599 ,  0.1626,  1.012 , -0.3043, -0.1179,
       -0.3546,  0.6402, -0.8409, -0.3581,  0.1925, -1.1535,  0.6362,
        0.8889, -0.0116, -0.2549,  0.3039,  0.2562, -0.0331,  0.4997,
       -0.0159,  0.3529, -0.2008, -0.5076, -0.4175, -1.4415,  0.7295,
       -0.8933,  0.5672,  0.607 ,  0.0374,  0.0441, -0.2491, -1.014 ,
        0.0384, -0.5015], dtype=float32)
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine as dist

Smaller numbers mean two words are closer together, larger numbers mean they are further apart.

The distance between similar words is low:

dist(vecs[wordidx["puppy"]], vecs[wordidx["dog"]])

And the distance between unrelated words is high:

dist(vecs[wordidx["avalanche"]], vecs[wordidx["antique"]])

Data Bias

The word vectors will pick up any bias that exists in the data used to build the vectors:

dist(vecs[wordidx["man"]], vecs[wordidx["genius"]])
dist(vecs[wordidx["woman"]], vecs[wordidx["genius"]])

Nearest Neighbors

We can also see what words are close to a given word.

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=10, radius=0.5, metric='cosine', algorithm='brute')

distances, indices = neigh.kneighbors([vecs[wordidx["antique"]]])

[(words[int(ind)], dist) for ind, dist in zip(list(indices[0]), list(distances[0]))]
[('antique', 1.1920929e-07),
 ('antiques', 0.18471009),
 ('furniture', 0.2613591),
 ('jewelry', 0.26212162),
 ('vintage', 0.28011894),
 ('handmade', 0.32542467),
 ('furnishings', 0.3287084),
 ('reproductions', 0.33931458),
 ('decorative', 0.35905504),
 ('pottery', 0.3720798)]

Math with Word Vectors

You can do some pretty interesting things with these word vectors. We can combine multiple terms and use them as a single input.

new_vec = vecs[wordidx["artificial"]] + vecs[wordidx["intelligence"]]
[ 0.0345 -0.1185  0.746   0.3256  0.3256 -1.4699 -0.8715 -0.9421  0.0679
  0.922   0.6811 -0.3729  1.0969  0.7196  1.3515  1.2493  0.6621  0.1901
 -0.2707 -0.0444 -1.232   0.1744  0.7577 -0.9177 -1.2184  0.6959 -0.1966
 -0.415  -0.3358  0.5452  0.589  -0.0299 -0.9744 -0.8937  0.2283 -0.2092
 -1.3795  1.7811  0.2269  0.47   -0.3045 -0.1573 -0.478   0.3071  0.4202
 -0.4434  0.1602  0.1443 -0.9528 -0.5565  0.7537  0.182   1.4008  1.8967
  0.595  -3.0072  0.6811 -0.2557  2.0217  0.7825  0.4251  1.3615  0.5902
 -0.1312  0.9344 -0.5377 -0.3988 -0.6415  0.6527  0.5117  0.7315  0.1396
  0.3785 -0.6403 -0.094   0.1076  0.6197  0.2537 -1.4346  1.169   1.6931
  0.1458 -0.5981  0.8195 -3.1903  1.2429  2.1481  1.6004  0.2014 -0.2121
  0.3698 -0.001  -0.628   0.2869  0.3119 -0.1093 -0.6341 -1.7804  0.5857
distances, indices = neigh.kneighbors([new_vec])

[(words[int(ind)], dist) for ind, dist in zip(list(indices[0]), list(distances[0]))]
[('intelligence', 0.1883161),
 ('artificial', 0.25617576),
 ('information', 0.3256532),
 ('knowledge', 0.336419),
 ('secret', 0.36480355),
 ('human', 0.36726683),
 ('biological', 0.37090683),
 ('using', 0.3773631),
 ('scientific', 0.38513905),
 ('communication', 0.3869152)]

You can even move from one place to another in the vector space. Beware of bias taking you in unintended directions though. Here’s the general sense of the word “programmer”

distances, indices = neigh.kneighbors([vecs[wordidx["programmer"]]])
[(words[int(ind)], dist) for ind, dist in zip(list(indices[0]), list(distances[0]))]
[('programmer', 0.0),
 ('programmers', 0.32259798),
 ('animator', 0.36951017),
 ('software', 0.38250887),
 ('computer', 0.40600342),
 ('technician', 0.41406858),
 ('engineer', 0.4303757),
 ('user', 0.4356534),
 ('translator', 0.43721014),
 ('linguist', 0.44948018)]

Here’s the masculine sense of the word “programmer”

new_vec = vecs[wordidx["programmer"]] + vecs[wordidx["he"]] - vecs[wordidx["she"]]
distances, indices = neigh.kneighbors([new_vec])
[(words[int(ind)], dist) for ind, dist in zip(list(indices[0]), list(distances[0]))]
[('programmer', 0.17419636),
 ('programmers', 0.4133587),
 ('engineer', 0.46376407),
 ('compiler', 0.46731704),
 ('software', 0.4681465),
 ('animator', 0.4892366),
 ('computer', 0.5046158),
 ('mechanic', 0.5150067),
 ('setup', 0.51882535),
 ('developer', 0.51953185)]

Here’s the feminine sense of the word “programmer”

new_vec = vecs[wordidx["programmer"]] - vecs[wordidx["he"]] + vecs[wordidx["she"]]
distances, indices = neigh.kneighbors([new_vec])
[(words[int(ind)], dist) for ind, dist in zip(list(indices[0]), list(distances[0]))]
[('programmer', 0.19503415),
 ('stylist', 0.42715955),
 ('animator', 0.4820645),
 ('programmers', 0.48337305),
 ('choreographer', 0.4862678),
 ('technician', 0.4862805),
 ('designer', 0.48710012),
 ('prodigy', 0.49118334),
 ('lets', 0.49730027),
 ('screenwriter', 0.49754214)]