Welcome to 2021!!!

Hello World!

Welcome to 2021!!!

January 6, 2021


  • Welcome Zoom issue to start? Process coming up for recording parts of our meetup to make available for later viewing? FreeConferenceCall is free and has whiteboard and recording
  • Project updates Jonathan completely migrated his Taiga instance to projectwatch.dev Schools outreach – started building a flyer site to gain support AI4All curriculum – may be able to pull some of this overOpenAI Gym – available to work out your agen behavior for reinforcement learning

    Bug Analysis – XLNET or BERT or GPT-2 – SimpleTransformers

  • Current news
  • Upcoming Schedule for 2020 Ben on MLFlow ? presenting WeightsAndBiases Paper of the month Harsh for Recommendation Systems March – HATCH2021
  • Q&A
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