Here’s a link to the notebook we used for this session –
Transcription provided by Huntsville AI Transcribe
As usual, I’m giving a talk to people in the room that know more about the subject than I do, so it’s always fun, which is not out of the ordinary for what we do here. So to get started, welcome to Huntsville AI, I’ve got a couple of new faces that haven’t may have been here before, I’m not quite sure. I’ll try to meet everybody I don’t know before I leave. So main thing, vision, group of individual organizations in the Metro Huntsville area collaboratively advance the knowledge and application of artificial intelligence in ways that make it available to everyone and improve our quality of life. I’ve been saying that a lot last week. There’s a thing if you’re here, so you probably know how to find us. The first subject was the Hudson Alpha Tech Challenge, there was some stuff that hit the Discord, they announced that they’re working a one-day challenge instead of a three-day challenge. I was thinking Tyler would be here to talk, but he was on his way out as I was on my way in. I’m on the committee. You’re on the committee, do you want to mention, I’ve got the schedule, it is a full day. Yeah. So I have to say this much, hopefully we’ll announce it this Friday, but I guess since we’re going to say it, I think we’re going to allow hacking from the day the challenges are released until that day, so two weeks. Okay. So you’ll be able to play around with stuff before it starts and do the, you know.
This year is a little different because Add on Hot is not as involved, so the challenges are more open-ended than there are AI challenges, so I don’t know.
So there may not be like, you have to go solve for this thing, like in the past it’s been more like, here’s a thing, go solve for it, now it’s just more like this. This could be more like, hey, here’s some data, what cool kind of stuff would you do with this? It’s not even like that, it’s more like, here’s a topic, and then go find a problem and solve it. Here’s some suggested topics.
So we’ll have three challenges, each one of them will have like some kind of suggestions around like if there’s stuff you can work, and you can either pick one of the suggestions or you can pick the wrong one. Okay. So, if you’re on our Discord channel, you may see some teams form up, things like that.
I think you probably need more people to show up than you do mentors, I think.
Yeah, at this point we’re probably not going to need mentors, because it’s only one day, but we will try, but all the mentoring will, like we’re only going to provide mentorship on that one day. Okay. So, you know.
Yeah, usually I do the mentor thing because I don’t have three days worth of time to sync.
I’ll just show up for a four-hour block and do the, you know, here’s how to set up flask.
That’s generally my go-to.
There’s no way you can do an AI challenge in one day.
So it’s just like, I mean maybe you can. Okay. One of them I think you can do in a day, maybe a couple hours, but the rest of them I don’t know. Cool. And did y’all check to make sure the color run isn’t happening the same day you’re doing the… I remember last year when the parents couldn’t come pick up their kids because the roads were closed because there was a color run going right around. It was a thing. My wife also couldn’t come get me. So I walked as part of the color run out here. I can actually check that.
No, we didn’t check that. You may want to check that, by the way. Second, it was even hard to find the color run thing.
July. Okay.
April 24th?
Are you sure you’re looking at that one?
April 26th.
There’s apparently five of them in March 25th.
When you do it every month? Oh, I don’t know.
You might want to look.
So anyway, stay tuned. We’ll probably, if I hear about folks trying to set up some teams or something like that, I’ll probably get that on the email going out next week.
Just if people want to get together, that’s great.
The AI Symposium.
That one, I left my notebook that I had on my notes in.
I could probably look up at all the stuff I was sending back and forth to Josh while we were in different sessions. I probably don’t want to do that publicly, though. Overall, I think it was good. The interesting part about it, for me, they had a couple of panels where they had a pretty wide range of folks from UAH that were working in AI. They had a systems engineer. One of the panels, if I’m thinking right, was a systems engineer. I can’t remember the person next. Oh, yeah.
The systems engineer. Somebody with mechanical factories.
Factory stuff.
Then the person, Kristin, she is more psychology or sociology, behavioral analysis. I think she was on the far left. In the middle over here was a professor of philosophy. If you want to know about trust in AI and how a person would trust AI, you have the psychology person, the behavioral person, and the philosophy person. It was pretty interesting. I almost had to run when the guy, they were taking questions, and the guy to the back left right of me asks, so what is trust? I’m like, you just asked a philosopher, what is trust? We’re going to be here for a year or two. It was a super-duper high level for the most part.
A lot of what is it, what can it do. There were some really cool demos from an entertainment perspective. People generating videos and sound and what it can do for a lot of that. That was pretty cool. Are they still going to put them on YouTube eventually? They’re supposed to hit YouTube in about six months. My slides are already up on the GitHub if you want to see my little thing about how you should aim for particular quadrants of churn versus maturity. We’ll probably cover that at some point too. Overall, it went well. I’m still not sure if I had to pay for it myself if I would go. But if you can get your talk selected or something, you get a full access pass to the whole thing as well as the museum.
It was nice. They are taking some suggestions for next year. One of the things that we had come up with was at least have a technical track or a practitioner’s track or something versus a pop culture something. One of the guys that works with us had come up with a, what if they did instead of two different tracks running over three days, what if you did it one day for practitioners, one day for what is AI and has it worked for different use cases and stuff. That way if you’re working and you need to take a day off, you could do that and possibly get your company to cover it or something if it is more technical. Anyway, just thoughts there. If you think anything as far as things that would make you want to go next year, let me know and I can forward those to the folks that are organizing it. I’m going to move through these pretty quick.
Actually, I’m probably not even going to jump into them because you all want to talk about deep seek. There was an open question as to whether we would actually see new SBIR, SBIR’s and SIDR’s topics considering they’ve frozen a lot of grants on other places. There are topics that were presented. I don’t know if any of these, the funding part or whatnot, these are just the AI related ones.
There were 17 overall.
The first one sounds really, really cool, especially if I had the guys that were in here that did the VR, AR stuff. This is something they’re trying to come up with some kind of an assistant to help think of it as helicopter pilots fly as close to the earth as possible. They found that if you’re flying over terrain that you know, of course, you’re a lot faster. If you’re flying over terrain that you’ve been in the sim on or something, you’re still a little shaky. They’re trying to find ways to provide some kind of an assistance. That was interesting. The other one, the adapter filtering for low-cost RF emitters, if you’re super-duper into radars or sensors or things like that and AI at the same time, that might be up your alley. Then there was a separate one. The next four were in a block that I’m still not sure if this is on purpose or not. It says that they open in June and close in July, and they were part of some kind of an ex-site challenge thing. Some of them are invite only after you make it through the challenge. It was kind of hard to figure out. If you go to the page, it gives a lot more detail. Basically, for all of those, the end can either be a phase one or a phase two server. They do three down selects as part of the extech program.
The first one is just a concept white paper.
I think you have two a month from now to do that. There’s a down select period.
It depends on the server.
It’s like a demonstration slash a little bit more than a concept white paper. There’s a down select there. If you make it to that stage, there’s 24 finalists.
All of them would then be eligible to submit either a phase one or a phase two server towards that topic.
The actual server part, the phase one, phase two, that will start in June, but the competition opens essentially today.
Cool. That’s actually a decent way if you wanted to see if you get your hat and ring at a low cost.
Instead of spending a week writing a paper only to lose something later, throw a PowerPoint slide together.
There were some pretty interesting ones in here.
One of the best parts about it, the generative AI enabled tactical network.
I think the text started off like, in a world full of. I’m like, wait, did you just use gen AI to generate that? Probably.
Those are out there. Anyway, there’s that.
You all have already seen the links and stuff.
Then the other thing, I didn’t have time to get it in here, at least right now. Jacqueline, did you want to talk about the thing you were at last weekend real quick? Was it specifically women in AI and was it also specifically medical based? Oh, okay. I went up to Vanderbilt this past weekend for a women in AI summit that was hosted at the law school. It was actually a ton of lawyers because the person who decided to organize it is one of the co-directors of the Vanderbilt AI legal lab. They have a whole group now within the law school looking at applications of AI and tools that are being built and all kinds of different things. Because she knows so many people, it was actually less local than I thought it was. I thought it was going to pull more regionally. A lot of people flew in from a lot of different places. I gave a session on using generative AI. It was meant to be a beginner session for, hey, look at Club, look at ChatGPT, look at Google Gemini. Start experimenting and compare and contrast what you get out of the results. I didn’t do anything on really extensive prompting because there were other sessions that did it. Also, I think this was geared more towards people who were interested but had never used it or hadn’t used it a lot. I just wanted them to start asking questions and trying it out. Then they can move into prompting to really streamline it. It was all done from the use case of health education because that’s what I work in.
Actually, I went really well. People showed up, which was really exciting. I had no idea if they were going to. There weren’t a ton of healthcare people there, but there were a few. I got some really good questions. We went through the whole thing of, don’t let this take the place of consulting with your doctor on anything. None of them had expected it to. Some of the use cases were, I need to talk to my 12-year-old daughter about this specific health issue. Can you help me take this information and make it more age-appropriate? We just explored some use cases like that. People were really interested. It was a really engaging session. I left with more energy than I thought I would from the day because I’m super introverted. I’m usually crashing by the end of the day after these things. I feel your pain after last week. At the AI symposium, they were like, can we schedule you for Thursday? I said, yes, I only have one constraint.
I’m talking at a Learning Quest thing at 1 o’clock.
I need to be in the morning. They scheduled my session to end at 1255.
I gave a talk to a room of, I don’t know, a hundred people maybe, something like that.
Then ran out of there, maybe answered a question.
Then got in my truck, drove over to the library, and then talked to over 150 people for Learning Quests that are all retired engineers and physicists and educators and doctors. You want to talk about some questions. Most of their questions were related more towards the philosophy behind how do I trust this, how do I know it’s telling me the truth and all this kind of stuff. We covered some really interesting things. The first thing I was throwing out that I think stopped a little bit or made people pause and think is how do I know it’s telling me the truth? My answer was, well, who’s truth? They were like, what do you mean? Should Alabama have been in the playoffs? I’m pretty sure there’s two different truths in the room right now. That I don’t want to have a war break out or anything. Then we got in the hole when they wanted to talk about Deep Seek. The whole part was a chain of thought or a model that shows you its thoughts. They’re like, what do you mean? I’m like, well, it can tell you the step that it’s using to do this. That helps trust and that helps whatever. I said the fun part is when it gets further down and it realizes it made a mistake and it can actually change its mind. Have you ever thought of a thinking machine that changes its mind? Then we ran into somebody else at the symposium that was playing around and taking the chain of thought part coming out of Deep Seek and copying that and pasting that into Clog to finish out the stuff.
Have you ever thought that a thinking machine could transfer its thoughts to another thinking machine?
They’re like, what?
Yeah, this is weird. I agree.
But yeah, I was out of words by like five o’clock. Luckily, my wife is aware that I’m going to show up and I’ve crashed already.
I just need like a day to recover. But I do get kind of a little bit of a rush while you’re doing it, while I’m talking and all this kind of stuff. For me, it’s like two hours later that it just crashes.
I did give huge props at the Learning Quest to Shama because you had mentioned one time you were talking to, I don’t know if it was a senior center or what where you were planning a trip. You were walking through chat GPT with them and doing that. So that played in a lot.
I don’t know if any of them were there. But these were, hey, let’s plan a trip to Chattanooga and let’s put in your dietary restrictions for where to eat. Let’s put in how long you can drive before you need to stop somewhere. It was really, really interesting to see that some of these things are pretty useful. All right, links and other events.
This is the one as soon as I walked into the library, I had like a line of people willing to know, we’re going to talk about DeepSeek today. I’m here for two hours.
We will talk about whatever you want to talk about. We, I think, made it through my slides just because I started clicking through. So an overview.
This is the R1.
Some of the stuff was just dropping out of what I had sent in the email. So it’s kind of splashed because they, I don’t know if it’s splashed because it’s, I mean, we’ve been doing some of the stuff that’s in the paper for a while. Some of the other things are new. The fact that it was free and everybody was able to access, it’s the first time that one of the big jumps has happened and everybody has access to it freely. Right now. And it’s China. Yeah. So people were freaking out for social reasons. Right. And it just kind of broke escape philosophy.
I think it was also right on the heels of the announcement of the $500 billion investment in AI infrastructure and stuff. And all of a sudden, here’s a model that competes with, you know, some that are, you know, from open AI that are not cheap. Well, it also hit right before the R3 was supposed to launch.
So they can still compare it to the R3.
To the R1?
Yeah. Yeah. Smart. Uh-huh.
I didn’t realize that may apply to China. I see that, we’ve seen that a lot in the competition between, you know, Google and open AI and all of these where you’ll see something drop and you don’t know if it dropped because it’s ready or it dropped because they found out somebody else is about to drop something. It seems like VeeveSafe just ships. They’re not like timing, they released V3 on December 26, which was the real, you know, innovation here. Right. So they’re just shipping as soon as they get it.
Yeah. No safety tuning, no, you know. Oh yeah, we have. Yeah, well, no safety tuning, but we found some, I found some other, uh, Yeah, it has some minor, the TM and stuff, but it’s not, on the whole, people are benchmarking it.
It has less reviews than any model.
Yeah. That’s the whole. Uh, key attributes, um, some of the things was the mix.
What I did, like we, uh, Josh, you gave a talk October 2023, I think on mixture of experts and what we thought was in GPT for, because they wouldn’t tell us exactly. So it was all kind of, it’s probably a mixture of experts because I don’t know how else you’re going to do what they’re doing. Um, so there was, but DeepSeek comes up and says, Hey, we got 671 billion parameters.
We’re activating 37 billion, uh, using an MOE approach.
Like, okay, now we’re, it’s, that’s kind of interesting.
The reinforcement learning. I don’t know that that’s, uh, extremely new.
Uh, and then the chain of thought is, you know, okay, we got that.
Uh, the distillation is something I’m still, uh, we may, we may need to do a, a, just to talk on how that works.
Uh, so there are two different kinds of sets.
We, we talked about some of it here.
You’ve got the actual DeepSeek models that are fairly big and whatnot.
Uh, and then you’ve got smaller models, one of which I’ll run here, um, which is basically where they took the big DeepSeek model and use that to train a smaller model, uh, using more of a, uh, I don’t know if they can get more into it that way, or I’m still coming up to speed with some of how, uh, how distillation actually even works. Well, it’s like an imitation learning sort of thing. So they run the larger model and they actually have access to the logics for that one.
So they’re able to basically try and get the answers from the smaller model to go towards that one by doing, you know, some contrastive sort of things.
Uh, so you can do that, but then you can also do stuff where you don’t have access to the logics and you’re just kind of like trying to imitate the vibes of it. So that’s one thing to say that they distill, uh, OpenAI’s model. They’re distilling.
They’re not actually picking it and doing some sort of pale divergence thing. They’re, you know, they’re trying to like get the vibes from the thing basically.
Okay. So it’s like, if I’ve got, uh, if I’ve got training data and I’m putting data in, I’m getting answers out and I give it to the big model, I get answers out and I give it to the smaller model and get answers out.
And I’ve tried to change my reward function to make the smaller models answers kind of gave closer to that, uh, which works. So instead of having to have massive amounts of actual user entered data where yes, this is labeled, this is true, this is false.
I can just ask a boatload of questions and just go under the assumption that what I get out of the big model is what I want.
Uh, so instead of having to label all of these, yes, this is good response.
This is a bad response. You’re just saying I want that, you know, match the response from the big model. Um, I think the other big benefit too, that you have is for like your smaller models, when they are distilled from the larger models, those distilled models end up being better than similar number of parameters at that same size.
Cause you can then end up using them like specific applications. So if I need something that does chain of thought, but I have to have it on a, on a phone or I have to have it something small, I can just throw a 4B model and it could be significantly better than kind of your generic 4B parameter model as well.
That’s another main use case for distillation as well.
So what’s the distinction if there is one between distillation and synthetic data generation?
Cause I started talking about synthetic data generation for R1 for a while, but it sounds like what you’re saying, I don’t know the difference. What’s the difference between just generating synthetic data or distilling? Or are they the same thing?
They’re pretty different. Uh, so you would, you could use synthetic data generation to distill.
So that’d be like what they’re doing with Q2D4 and all that sort of, but they’re generating out examples.
The synthetic data is just anywhere where you’re not getting it from the real world.
Uh, and so there’s whole classes of models that are just used synthetic data.
Um, anything with these, this RL, but if you think about what a simulation is, it’s going in there and trying to interact with the environment, getting feedback from it.
Uh, anything that’s RL is using synthetic data.
And so this is just kind of the paradigm that says all the people are like, we’re running out of data.
We’re not, they’re going to hit a wall running out of data.
It’s like, no, not as long as there’s some sort of verifiable mechanism that we want to train on. Does it still cost millions of dollars to just go to train distilling? It’s significantly cheaper cause you already have access to, you have access to this like good model that’s really good. So I can trust it now, but it’s already been trained. So it’s just like querying.
If I had to query GPT4 a bunch of times and got it to give me answers, I now have a set of like prompts and answers and I can use that to train a smaller model to be closer to GPT4.
Especially if you wanted, I like the demand specific part of it. If I needed a small model, but really, really tailored towards medical or towards law or towards, you know, let’s say I need a model working with, you know, something mechanics would use while, you know, working on Apache helicopters. I mean, it’s, you could really, really aim at a specific kind of thing there. Am I less concerned about distilling from a llama 7 billion using, you know, distilling down with the deep sea? Am I less concerned because I maybe have a better familiarity with like what mom is trained on versus what China’s trained on? I don’t think so. You would have to know what you were concerned about, but I don’t think so. If you’re concerned about like what’s inside the model weights, I would say right now, don’t be, that’s not really the concern. No concern about China, you know, you’re, you’re going onto their website and sending your data through their website. Yeah, that’s insecure, but the weights, we don’t have enough control over these things right now to really effectively do stuff. There is research about, you know, people being able to hide back doors and these sorts of things. It’s on these really small models and these really convoluted situations. It’s not something that people likely have control over in these sort of ways right now.
So the one, the thing I haven’t done yet, which I may have to do next is actually, I’m actually running this thing in a Colab instance on Google for free. So it’s using VLLM, got it hosted, you can prompt it, you can ask questions, you can do all the things. It’s probably already disconnected me at least once or twice.
So it’s great if you want to just play around and get your hands dirty with some things and, you know, just kind of get a feel for how the prompting works with it, because it feels a little different to me. It took me a little while to learn like some magic phrases to use to get answers that I want. Here we go.
Let’s see if I get anybody at the door.
Oh, Phil would like to end probably.
Yep. Admit.
Here we go.
All right.
So where was I?
What I haven’t done yet is pull the just base Quinn, one and a half B, you know, 1.5 billion and see what the differences are between the distilled version trained by DeepSeek versus what they provide out of the box.
And it is the one that is Alibaba.
So it’s, it should be kind of, let’s see, that would be Phil. I just muted you so you can’t talk because we got a really, really loud TV over here. So what we’ve, so there was, there was that. I was still trying to come up to speed with distillation and how it works and what does it mean and all of this, because I see all these things. It’s like, here’s DeepSeek and well, here’s the llama distilled model and here’s this one.
And here’s that one.
And I think one of the cool things is like the llama architecture is extremely well known.
You’ve got places that have other ways to like quantize the weights that you can run.
You know, if I can get it in llama, then I can actually run a quantization on it and I can run it in, you know, llama CPP where I’ve got a mix of GPU versus CPU, you know, things like that, which I can’t do with the DeepSeek out of the box.
Others may yet. You can’t give up, somebody will figure it out. So still learning a little bit about that. You can actually start on a track where it doesn’t realize it has other capabilities and it will refuse to do them no matter what.
So sometimes if you start on a math track and you try to context switch even immediately, like it can’t generate images. And it’ll be convinced that it can’t.
And there’s some of it that comes down to how it keeps context for continuing to give you information. But it seems like there’s something built into most public large models that it’s not really distillation, but sort of similar where it gets you to a subset of information of the model that it then pulls from for what you’re using.
And I haven’t seen it discussed much.
I don’t know if you might need the turn or method behind that. Just like it found a local minimum or something.
I don’t know, but that’s the wrong way to say that. But it found a place and it’s there. But then picking that up and going over and talking about, you know, something totally different or it doesn’t exist for it anymore.
Basically, if you try to switch the context of that. I’ve had while I was doing the slides and graphs and stuff for the A.I. symposium, I actually use ChatGPT to gen some graphs for me.
I said, hey, put this in this realm.
I need I’ve got an X, Y axis for maturity and churn.
You know, here’s a list.
I give them these weights, put them on a graph, do the thing, make it look professional.
And it did that. And I started asking more questions and more questions like, OK, I put that on the same graph. And it’s like, why can’t generate graphs?
You just did.
Seriously. But I’ve run. I don’t know what the deal is. I don’t know if something just… Is that mainly for like tool use? Is that the main thing?
I’ve also found it might break down to tool use.
Sometimes, you know, you can consider like some of the the math reasoning that some of the models use now, that can be considered, I’d say, a tool rather than itself.
And it seems to not have access to that if you start off with a certain context.
The reason why I say that is that if one way and I don’t know how they handle it behind the scenes, but one way that some of these models will provide access to tools is with like a system prompt message that is at the very beginning of your conversation.
So if you’ve exceeded the context length to where it no longer has access to that, it’s not gonna have an inbuilt knowledge that it can access Dolly too, or that it can do all of these different graphs or generate things if it gets in and out.
A lot of times, they do pin the system prompt every time to make sure that that’s enforced.
So I’m not 100% sure, but I haven’t, I’ve not come across that before.
That’s a good point. It can be tied into the tools, because I was thinking, I know specifically if you start off with a certain tool, you usually can’t swap throughout.
So it might be the same for internal, like for some of the math reasoning, or other reasoning parts.
Speaking of tool use, did any of the Chain of Thought models have tool use?
I don’t think I’ve heard of it.
Which ones?
I mean, my favorite, like bar none of all the current models is Flash Thinking, and the Flash EXB, and those both have tool use.
And the current, I think they did not have it in the original one, but the most recent release of Flash Thinking I think does.
Okay, cool.
Because I feel like that was one of the things that held tool use back, was it’s like, I need you to hit three different tools and get information, and I hadn’t tried it with Chain of Thought. It’s like, it’s gonna think about it and get more information that doesn’t look like handy. And even though it doesn’t show it, Canvas on GBT works on 01 now, the reasoning model, and the 03 mini shipped with web-enabled.
So it was their first model that shipped with reasoning combined with web search.
So hands on a walkthrough. I learned how to do this yesterday.
Which, we bring this up sometimes.
Normally the things that we run here isn’t, don’t think that if you come give a talk or do anything that you have to be the foremost expert on something. I’m barely ever the one that’s smartest in the room on whatever it is I’m talking about.
So I’m not the only one that’s the smartest.
I’m the only one that’s the smartest.
I’m the only one that’s smartest in the room on whatever it is I’m talking about. So typically it’s a lot of folks just trying to figure it out.
The other thing is you can also figure it out. You know, don’t think that this isn’t possible to hop in and get started. The first thing we did was PIP install VLLM. VLLM is a way to host models and run them fairly simple as far as, you know, you Google, hey how do I run a model with VLLM and it’ll give you about eight lines of code and then you’re actually up and going.
So we did that and it did a lot of things and then had to restart.
From the VLLM I’m pulling two different things. One of them is the actual model.
The other is a class called sampling params.
And then I went and stole this thing called TextWrap.
I’ve never used it before, but it was super useful to keep, because DeepSeek thinks a lot.
And so I had like one line of text, about 4,000 lines of code, that just went way, way, way, way over here to get the answer and it sucked really bad.
So here I’m just loading the LLM with this DeepSeek, Distil, Quinn, 1.5 billion.
It made me put a, well actually this is something I learned from last time. It errored out at first and wouldn’t load and then it had the thing at the bottom that said explain the error and I clicked it and it went over to the right and it told me how to fix the error that I had. So, thanks Colab. So I needed this D type equals half. I don’t remember why, but it made it work. Something like a 16 bit versus 8 bit or something. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so it no fit.
So I was able to do that and these are the models that are hosted on Hugging Face. So you can go find a boatload of models, which if you want to try a bunch of different ones, this is the best one I could find. It would fit within the T4 instance that I had connected.
And at the time I was using about 13 and a half to 14 gig of the 15 gig they give you.
So anyway, run that and it does a lot of downloading stuff and loading them up. Here’s my, I gave it a list of prompts.
And then, cause it’s, this is a different thing I wasn’t used to from VLLM.
I’m used to VLLM, it’s even hard for me to say.
I’m used to loading up a model and just sending it one prompt, maybe a system prompt and a user prompt and then getting an answer.
This seems to work more on the batch kind of thing where you load it up with a list of prompts and you get a list of outputs.
So that if you needed to hook, let’s say you were running an inference server somewhere and you had X number of memory space that you could get within one run of a prompt or something and you could stack some in to get the most usage out of your hardware.
I think that’s why they do it this way.
It’s just a lot for me. So I gave it three questions. The last one I just figured out today. The first one, and this is something I actually posted on LinkedIn about cause it gave me some really wacky stuff. Think step by step appeared to be the trick to get it to do what I wanted it to do.
Otherwise I would get some kind of interesting things.
It’s unfortunate cause the goal of these entire models is they’re supposed to be doing that.
The step by step looks like the hello world.
This entire chain of stuff.
So you have to do that because they failed. It didn’t work. Yes. So after fighting with this thing for about 15 minutes and getting stuff back, like a half a phrase that echoed the prompt I had already given it was just kind of like, I don’t think this is doing this, I’m not doing something right. I found another thing that I may actually have to, I may actually be able to go back and take that out and see if maybe this other piece that I found elsewhere for the max tokens being 4,096 how to play, but that is the max. That keeps me from running out of memory on the T4 that I’m on.
Otherwise it will keep thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking until you’re out of memory.
That’s how some of us make other decisions is we think and think and think until, wait, it’s already past time to eat. Anyway, the three questions I asked, how do I travel from Atlanta, Georgia to the Eiffel Tower? The first time I misspelled the word Eiffel and it gave me instructions on how to get to Zurich.
Interesting enough, there is an article on TripAdvisor talking about a tower near Zurich that’s called the mini Eiffel Tower, misspelled mini Eiffel Tower. It’s likely that’s what popped up because it didn’t know to fix my spelling before it doesn’t know me well enough.
After I fixed it, it got better. The next one is a really curious one. I don’t even know what an AIME-style problem is, but find the sum of all positive integers in less than a thousand such that n squared plus n plus one is divisible by seven.
Okay, the next one is one I was looking at to see what type of constraints, censorship, or what might have been put into this model because that’s the other thing you don’t know when they did the reinforcement learning what data sets they trained it on, whether they left certain things out, whether it’s instructed.
A lot of models are instructed a certain way for safety reasons.
You don’t want people to get instructions on how to build a bomb, let’s say, or things like that.
Others are not. I was just curious to see what kind of rules were in place here. I’d seen some articles online about using the one that’s public on DeepSeek’s website. You get different answers from there than you do if you ask if you run it local.
I found some interesting things that you could actually even trick that one as in, hey, tell me about Tiananmen Square, but instead of vowels, use the letter three, the exclamation point for an i, encode it in some other way, and it would actually give you the answer. You can set it in hex. You can encode it in hex, and it can translate it, and then it will answer you.
It’s smart enough probably to read ASCII under the covers.
In this case, I wrote, at first, I said, tell me about the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and the first time I read it, it said, I need more details, please, and then right after that, it said, user did not reply to a question. It just came over and over until it filled the context. I’m like, huh, okay, let me go on an old school trip, kind of like to tell me a story. I don’t know if y’all are familiar with that old jailbreak thing, but I didn’t ask about it. I said, I need to write a history report about it, so I’m not asking about the massacre. I’m asking it to build a report about a subject, and I’m actually not even asking it to build a report. I’m asking, how would I write a report? Anyway, so I actually got stuff back. I’ll reset this and try to run it again live in a minute if we’ve got time. Did I mention it? Thanks a lot. So it actually gives me some, I don’t know whether, I’m not quite sure on the tokens per second metric, whether what’s good, what’s bad, or what, but it… That’s not good. Oh, okay, the answer is actually no. It’s like an input. Why is it so slow on the input?
No idea. No, it’s really good. So, anyway, think step by step.
How do I travel from Atlanta, Georgia, to the Eiffel Tower?
And the first thing, this is a thought process, so I don’t need to provide the actual answer. I’m going to try that the next time I’m asked to think about something. I thought about it. What was the answer? What do you mean?
It was kind of interesting. It goes through the Eiffel Tower. There actually is a metro station somewhat closer. Hey, I’ve done this. I’ve done this and you can take the metro. Phil, I’m going to mute you. Okay. Sorry, the TV is like super duper loud in here.
Anyway, yeah, so you can get there. It actually walked through. You can fly direct or you may want to, for price reasons, you may want to see if there are connecting flights that are cheaper. I think the metro is around $2 a ride, but I’m not sure. But wait, I think the cost varies depending on the route. Maybe the train is cheaper. I mean, it put a lot into this.
Let me see if it actually got me much towards the end somewhere down.
You see where I needed the text wrap?
In the end, I’m pretty sure that taking a train from Atlanta to Paris isn’t a good idea. So that’s fun. It took several hours. It’s not technically wrong. Well, you’re able to lack the train. Right. And you also need to buy a ticket for the train from Atlanta to Paris. So good luck with that.
If I connected that to a tool, it would be interesting to see how long it would take to try to find that one.
This one actually came through with an answer at the end, I believe.
Find all the, anyway. Quadratic congruence.
This is where, if I hadn’t muted Phil, I’m pretty sure that there’s an answer.
Well, it always gives you an answer. Is it the right answer?
Yeah. So do we know for the distill models if they actually trained with the validators or not?
Or do they just try and train the chain of thought style?
Because to me, the 1.5 and all of these distills that are for other models trained on the R1 outputs, if they didn’t do it with the validator, I don’t know what we’re actually doing here. Because it’s just like training the vibes of an existential crisis having LLM into other models, possibly not with actually adding the capabilities that you get from this. Because with the actual reasoning models, what’s useful is they’re able to gradually, based off their trajectories, turn things down based off of, I generated out these 30 things, and my checker said that these five answers were correct.
I got to throw those 25 out.
So you’d have something that would tell you that you can’t take a train from Atlanta to Paris. Done, okay, that one’s out.
Let’s go to the other 24 that I still got in the list. Something like that?
Yeah. I think the main benefit on the distal part is the chain of thought there. Because then you have that accessibility from other types of models.
From what I’ve seen, that seems to be the biggest reason to do it.
It’s not as much on the making, I mean, it is gonna be a better model, but it’s mainly for chain of thought support.
See, I’ve read though that if you try and train chain of thought from a different model, it’s really you’re trying to train it on its own chain of thought. Because that’s, you know, what it knows it actually has something that’s doing that connection, especially with the MLE model across the difference.
So I don’t know what this is actually doing other than giving vibes.
Exactly, and that’s where it is, to your point, it’s very unclear on how good it actually is.
It does something, yeah.
It thinks. I’m there to do the thing. Therefore, it is. Do I care that it’s doing the thing, rather than if I’m selling tokens for a second, you know, for a second.
Yeah, the thing I didn’t do was ask it a stupid, simple question to see if it can give me a really, really easy answer. Like how many R’s in strawberries? Maybe, something like that. Oh, yeah.
I mean, easy.
It actually gave me a decent, when I asked about the history, you know, how would I write a history report about the Tienanmen Square massacre, including how many people are still in prison. It actually goes into, it gets some of the details, I believe are wrong. Wait, okay, never mind. 100,000.
Oh, this is in prison, okay, yeah. So it settled on around 200 people being killed, a large amount, apparently, it’s thinking, are still in prison. It actually, somewhere through here, it had gone into, this one was kind of interesting, need to ensure the report is balanced, presenting both the negative aspects and the positive efforts made by the government. So it talks about all the things it needs to think about or mention.
Does it end the thinking block and then mention all those things, or does it just mention it needs to think about them and then providing inclusion?
It will provide a conclusion.
It has thinking tokens and the think blocks will be wrapped in that and then at the very end, it should have like a final backslash think.
What did I say, do you have an end to think token that I was curious about?
I saw the beginning one. There we go, there’s the end of the think.
So everything after that is its actual involvement.
So report, historical perspective, introduction, and of course, my text wrap thing, this was bugging me, it’s including my, anyway. Just for reference, I hadn’t tried it before but I just asked operator for the cheapest travel from Atlanta, Georgia to the Eiffel Tower and it took three minutes and we found a flight from Atlanta to Paris for $273 and you then take the Orly bus that will cost 11.4 euros and get you there in about an hour.
So if anybody wants to go to the Eiffel Tower tomorrow, you can do it for under $300 and $17.
Oh boy.
There’s a hotel that we stayed at kinda about four or five blocks away from there right across from a metro station. We didn’t have quite a hotel, that’s not included. No, that’s fine. No, the strangest thing was getting there was the most expensive of the entire trip. Hotel was cheaper than going to Atlanta by far. You know, after you’re there. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, it did seem to give a pretty good answer on on that. I’m really curious how they how they trained out like Tiananmen Square information, because I would have assumed that they would have just scrubbed all of their training data for it, but it obviously, like this and other examples you’ve seen online, like it does have information about it. And then like the reinforcement learning side, like the UC didn’t do any supervised fine-tuning to be like, specifically don’t do this, so I’m curious I’d be curious, I don’t think there’s much in the paper, but I’d be curious to see like how they basically forced out any information about Tiananmen Square and a few other like China-related topics. Does that mean that there’s just like an LLM guard maybe on the Yeah. That’s what I’ve seen.
So the model itself is not, it’s not removed from the model, but it’s It’s the input function.
It’s a program that sits on top of the That’s what I thought at first too, but if you do pull down like the DeepSeq 1.5 and ask it about Tiananmen Square, it’ll just say I can’t help with that.
So it isn’t just an API layer, but it’s a distiller.
It might have that ROI.
I’m talking about, this is, I have DeepSeq R1 in the 1.5 billion, just the same model here, but I’m running it through a llama that’s good about Tiananmen Square and it’ll just say I’m sorry I can’t help with that. Are you using the distilled one though? Or the one direct Are you using the direct from DeepSeq or the distilled QUIN? I’m not using QUIN. I’m using DeepSeq. So DeepSeq has a bunch of different primary versions.
It’s just the smallest one just because it’s fast.
It’s a distilled QUIN. It’s QUIN 1.5. They distilled it themselves. It’s official, but it’s QUIN 1.5. I didn’t realize that. So yeah, maybe it should be on the QUIN side then. Can you ask it to think about how it would write a report about Tiananmen Square?
I did and that’s why I pulled it up and it said I’m sorry I can’t help with that query. I did the same thing with 7.8 through a llama and it cannot answer that until I ask it about 9.84 and then it gave me more answers. So it definitely knows all about Canvas.
Because you see people when it’s leaking out doing all the weird stuff and everything. It has a very good understanding of what it is. I don’t know if you have the actual R1 big monster.
Does that have it in there?
Or do you all post that post verifier?
So the whole concept of pulling models in that have different constraints that we don’t know about.
Oh, let me see.
I lost the TV here.
My battery is holding up okay. I figured driving this long cable to the TV would sink it. At least I’m not running the model local or else I’d be dead already.
It is kind of interesting pulling models and inserting them into products and doing all these kinds of things when we don’t understand the constraints under which they were trained or what kind of direction they are leaning.
And I’m not just talking about the Chinese. I’m I don’t know if that’s I know there’s been a lot of movement on explainability things like that but I don’t know that that’s actually getting better for me how it was trained not what’s it doing right now. I think with chain of thought it’s getting worse. Right?
I mean we don’t know why they’re saying the things that they’re saying.
The better that you it gets less explainable the better it probably gets but you know these things where they’re just starting to go into a mixture of Chinese and English because they’re just connecting the circuits between different Oh that was the other thing I brought up with the Learning Quest. I was like who in here speaks more than one language? And several hands went up like okay what language do you think in? And they were like well English or Spanish whatever. I’m like in your head you can bounce between different words as you want to because some words have a better meaning for what you’re trying to say than the other language like imagine that a model can do the same thing. It’s got all of these things it’s got a concept whether that concept is better explained English it doesn’t care it’s tokens at that point. So I did read one place where they did constrain it to only use the same language I don’t know if it’s the same language that’s used as input.
If you’ve seen anything where one of these models pops out it’s thinking in a different language I mean it’s just going to ruin the model like if you don’t let the model learn the pattern that it should learn to solve its reward function it’s going to suck.
It’s like all of that it’s a fool’s errand. So in the middle it actually could be doing whatever but I know they put a constraint on the deep seek side to say when you’re spitting out all this stuff about thinking use one language. Don’t use more than one language. I don’t know maybe because it’s the people that are asking you questions typically only speak the language well if you’re American you know the chain of thought is just telling us I mean it’s not guaranteed to be 100% what it’s actually doing it’s what it’s saying the chain of thought is yeah it could be completely unrelated chain of thought is such it is such a red hearing because it looks like aha we’ve got it we now know what this thing is thinking I can read its mind but it’s not what it is it’s just the simple words that happen to get it right in the end right so chain of thought well actually what it’s telling you it’s thinking is a list of words that a person would find an acceptable answer for what a model should be thinking to match whatever the outcome result might be if they optimize for people reading the chain of thought but what they’re optimizing for is getting the correct validator that’s what the validator is so important because it doesn’t matter that could be all gobbledygook it could be a mixture it could be wingdings if that worked for it and that’s what got it to the validator to the yes green in the end and that solves our problems then that’s the correct chain of thought and the fact that it’s explainable right now is almost an after effect of we need to generate its own in context learning of somehow generating a bunch of tokens that give me places to move towards the right answer and that started out with people saying I want to do this thing step by step because it kind of makes it better and then it just kind of got out of hand and I haven’t seen any that haven’t matched yet like I’ll go through and actually research and even get a chain of thought that I have no idea what it is just because I’m curious like how does this possibly apply to this subject and I’ll often get a chain of thought that’s in German or Japanese or Chinese and it’s like okay I have no clue what this is and I’ll look it up and it’s like oh this ties into the subject so the thing that I’ve seen on the Walmart 8 billion I was implicated to do just thinking reasoning so it would go through the prompt step by step by step by step and it would come to a conclusion and then it would flip into what I would call like answer A to answer B answer A to answer B and it would sit there and so I have to run this thing overnight so somewhere in the middle of the night and it’s basically wild is the way I thought about it I was like I can’t get it out I can’t get it to stop it was trained on a couple that are trying to decide where to go eat then they get real dumb real fast zoom call of course it is kind of a paper review and it might be actually better to run that virtual than trying to do it like in a room full of folks for this one I’ll probably look at so it says R1 but I’ll probably really look at basically RL and transformers so start with alpha zero alpha go and kind of tie the line between that and then the let’s verify step by step the PRM process reward model that they kind of thought of in 22 and then very specifically one of the big things with this deep seed set is the GRPO which is a replacement essentially for PRM so talking about where that lies in all of this we’ll go into some of the stuff with the GRPO and then really the big story with all this is the B3 thing they basically wrote their own CUDA drivers they went a little under CUDA to get past the interconnectedness bandwidth issues on the H800 they basically turned them into H100s that’s how they got past all that they did that and they also did some really interesting stuff with attention which essentially gives them a really efficient way of handling KB cache which that’s long context memory cost and obviously see the size of how much it chatters, long context matters a lot here so that’s where all of their savings was being able to do the quantization of the KB cache, the CUDA drivers and then some additional stuff with like the FPA training which looks more like what their actual cost savings are if you thought that they were running at cost essentially for selling their savings so it kind of makes all the things like they made this for 5.5 million Tony Stark made this in a cave and you know oh one is all going to go out it’s a bit of hyperbole there, there’s lots of really cool things in here so they’re going to kind of talk through like what’s actually here in awesome what does this probably mean and why is the time not going on that’s going to be awesome cool let me see if I’ve got any questions online let’s see I don’t know how many people I didn’t even count we’ve got several folks here we’ve got folks online so yeah I didn’t think about it since we’re not running in the other auditorium with the camera that we can actually show kind of who’s here everybody online is basically hearing a lot of voices so yeah it’s been great thanks for coming out.