Community Support with Little Orange Fish

This week we will have Daniel Adamek, Executive Director of Little Orange Fish present their “Here for You” initiative. We will brainstorm AI related ideas that may help them accomplish their goals. This will be an IN-PERSON meetup that we will also attempt to stream and record.

Little Orange Fish Concept:

A strong community is built of healthy individuals, and good health starts with a healthy mind.

Here for You:

To provide awareness and understanding of the public and private resources that support the health and safety of our community.

Premise:  We have a system of services, public and private, that are in place to support the health and safety of our community.

Problem:  Lack of understanding about the utility, value, availability and access to these services is resulting in their inefficient, uncoordinated and ineffective use in support of personal and community health.

Solution:  A resource that provides users easy access to information related to the availability of health care, public health and public safety services, what these services provide, and how to access them.

Benefits:  Reducing the barriers to access these services will improve the health and safety outcomes for the people in our community. Systemic issues can be more easily identified and characterized,  thereby improving coordination between providers. This will also provide greater clarity for advocates and policy makers to inform the implementation of more effective laws, policies and budgets that affect these service providers. 

Related links:
Little Orange Fish –